How to Get a Girl - Do you have a little petty crush? Don't worry about it! This easy-to-do guide will help you get that special someone. This is written by girls, because a lot of things dudes think we like are completely wrong.
How to Get a Girl (Easy)
How to Get a Girl |
Be yourself. This might sound cliche, but girls hate guys who are trying too hard. They can easily tell if you are faking it, so don't try.
Look presentable. Unlike contrary belief, you don't have to be thin or good-looking for a girl to like you. Actually, many girls don't like having someone thinner than them as a boyfriend due to self-respect issues on their part. So lucky for you, you don't have to go to the gym or get a tan just for a girl. They do like it though if you smell and look nice, so shower regularly and use deodorant.
Catch her eye. Girls tend to be extremely shy about such things, and will never make the first move. Also, try not to make things awkward. You don't have to do serious flirting to get a girl. In the hallway, catch her eye. Make sure to smile and appear friendly. Learn their name, and use it in conversations with them. If you notice she is sitting alone, sit with her. If she seems sad about something, find out what it is and comfort her. Just make sure she notices you.
Become her friend. You will stand a better chance with the girl if you are friends with her. Be friends for at least two months. Get to know each other. Start a conversation.
Find connections. Find things you have in common. It doesn't matter if it is anything from sports to school. Find a hobby you both like. If you both like hockey, invite her to a game. If you both like video games, play one together. Girls are all different in likes and dislikes.
Ask her out. Be subtle about it. Don't ask a girl out over the phone, and NEVER ask her out in a text. Don't rely on friends and rumors to set you up. Also when asking her out, try not to be loud or harsh. Here is an example of what NOT to say, "You, me, Friday night the movies. I'll pick you up." This is an extremely stupid and a lame way to ask someone out. Try something along the lines of: "Hi. I really like you. Would you be my girlfriend?"
I hope all that steps will help you to find a girl, this is the end of
How to Get a Girl article, thanks for reading.